Readers' Favorite

September 18, 2012

400th Post: Teaser Tuesday

Since I have been a bit slack in my reading since meeting my reading goal for the year, I didn't have a book finished to review today. I thought I would share a little smidgen from the two books I'm currently enjoying.

From Fly into Fire by Susan J. Bigelow
Painfully brilliant orange-red light streamed in from the viewports as Calvasna's ancient sun set over the brown, blue, and white ball below. Sky Ranger could see the lights of Confederation City radiating out from the dark circle of Crescent Bay like a starry spider crouching on the surface of the planet. Calvasna had no other real cities beyond the Confederation's burgeoning new capital. from Chapter 14
Find Fly into Fire at Goodreads, IndieBound, and Amazon.

From Broken Harbor by Tana French
Fiona was waiting for us outside HQ, drooping against a lamppost. In the circle of smoky yellow light, with the hood of her red duffle coat pulled up against the cold, she looked like some small lost creature out of fireside stories. I ran a hand over my hair and locked Dina down in the back of my mind. "Remember," I said to Richie, "she's still on the radar." page 149
Find Broken Harbor at Goodreads, IndieBound, and Amazon.

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Should be Reading.

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  1. Very interesting teases. :)

    Here's mine.

    BTW, I love your domain name. Very cool! :)

