Readers' Favorite

September 21, 2012

Friday Fun with Elizabeth Delana Rosa

The Daily Juggle…

The last few weeks have been a blur for me. I’m finishing up the last touches on my first book, Child of the Loch, I’ve moved and I overhauled my website to make it more user friendly. It never occurred to me what wives, mothers, girlfriends and others who are very relationship oriented went through. Up until recently I was single, unattached writer. I spent my days blogging, writing and doing the occasional chore. Sure I lived with family but I went to my “hidey-hole” my room or some space in my head. The world just faded away as I vacationed on my own planet.

All that changed when we moved to the Tardis. The Tardis is the new home to my mom, my boyfriend and me. I’ve had a few minutes to post my misadventures in my new house but the biggest change is my new found respect for the men and women authors, who participate in the daily juggle.

Lately I’ve become laundress, author, cook, blogger, support system and cuddler, that hugs my mom and my boyfriend when they’ve had horrible days. It has been quite a transition and I feel a bit overwhelmed sometimes seeing the mountain of boxes that can’t be unpacked until the dryer gets a new hook up and actually having to turn off my computer at a decent hour.

It’s been a great adventure. I’ve learned the true meaning of the daily juggle and the value of maintaining my identity as a writer and a person.

I am learning my new roles and appreciating the family who supports me and loves me even when I only come out to cook.

Thanks for having me and enjoy the adventure that is life.

About the Author
I have always been a writer. When I first learned to write in Kindergarten, I wrote about pigs who "groo" wings and became "butterfys." I knew way back then that I would have a love affair with writing. It over took my life and has been a constant companion. Now over 20 years later, that love flows over into writing blogs, reviews, poetry and fantasy novels. 
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23 year account, J.J McDonnell has spent her life trying to be normal and hide her gifts, but all dreams of normalcy are dashed on her 24th birthday. A handsome guy shows up on her porch with a marriage edict and news of the grandfather, that she never met, has died. Her world is about to change forever. J.J must make the perilous journey to the Loch and take her place on its throne, with no idea what is expected of her and dark forces closing in at every turn. Will J.J. be able to accept her destiny or will she stopped before she can?


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