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by Donna Huber For the A to Z Challenge, I discussed different book genres/categories. Each day, I gave a few details about the genre/catego...

September 28, 2012

FlashFiveFriday: Backbone

Photo source here.
There seems to be a increase in strong female characters in literature, particularly young adult literature. I'm absolutely thrilled about this as self-image is so important to our teenage girls and we don't want them to think they all need to be waif thin damsels in distress. I thought I would put together a short list (I only have 5 minutes) of female characters with BACKBONE.

I'm sure there's more and I would love to hear your list, but time is just about up. I wanted to say what I really like about these strong characters is that they are still able to show vulnerability without being weak.

#FlashFiveFriday is a weekly flash fiction/flash blogging prompt.

The rules are very simple if you’d like to take part:
1) Write for no longer than five minutes
2) No upper or lower word limits
3) You must write something new
4) You can prepare your post ahead of time but the 5 minute limit still applies
5) If you add your blog post to the weekly linky you must visit five other blogs that week too to show your support
Checkout more posts about Backbone here.

photo credit: danny.hammontree via photopin cc

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  1. I think being able to show vulnerability is incredibly important. If a character is too strong and unmoved, they quickly become unrealistic. Some great examples here, Donna!

  2. I still have a soft spot for Elizabeth Bennett from Pride and Prejudice. Feisty and strong-willed despite the limitations of family, 'birth' and the period, she also has considerable weaknesses. I think she'd make quite a formidable heroine in some of the more modern novels!

  3. Great post Donna.

    I'm incorporating strong female characters into some of my books, current and future ones. Whether it's strong men or women though, I think they need some weaknesses and are never perfect. That gives them more substance and realism.

  4. I love hearing from and reading the work of strong women and I really like how your post this week is such a good reminder. I'm a fan of peace and conflict resolution and my wife has shown me evidence of how women are the driving force for resolving conflict. As a father of three grown sons, I know this to be true. Mothers are quite good at it and it takes a backbone.

    I can assure you that strong women are attractive to young men these days as all three of ours are with young women that command a great deal of respect.

  5. It's true. Girls growing up need strong role models. Only this week the media was attacking Lady Gaga for having put on weight. It was spiteful and more awful is that she battled with eating disorders in the past. To open magazines and newspapers, and watch Hollywood films, any visitor from another world, say, would guess women need to be skinny, look pretty and flawless, and be aged under 25! Anything else and they won't fit. We need strong role models to show girls that you can be whatever you want to be, and also show them how to stick up for themselves! Self-respect goes a long way.

