Readers' Favorite

July 8, 2013

Meet Travis Simmons

When asked to talk about myself, I normally draw a blank. Honestly, what am I going to say? I have actually researched what other authors have written about themselves to write this post. I will try my best to keep you entertained throughout.

I grew up in upstate New York and lived a pretty typical, small town life for a nerd. Didn’t talk to many people my age, kept my nose in books after a certain age where I discovered my love for reading. It was around that time that I started writing off and on, but nothing too seriously.

When I was sixteen I moved from New York to Anchorage, Alaska with my sister and cousin. It was here that I started discovering more about myself. I told my sister I was gay before that, and she had a really hard time accepting it. She didn’t dislike me or anything as dramatic as that, but she also didn’t believe that I was gay. When she met her future husband in Alaska, he told her to pretty much back off, if it was a phase I would grow out of it, if it wasn’t then she had to support me.

I didn’t grow out of it and she is a really big supporter.

In 1999 we moved from Alaska closer to home. My grandmother was starting to get sick, and we realized the distance that separated us from our family. We didn’t want to live in New York again, though, and so we moved to Pennsylvania where I met a second one of my best friends and had the most amazing years of my life. My friend Anna and I would do everything together, seriously we hung out every single day, and most outings normally ended with us at a Chinese buffet or some other kind of restaurant.

I lived in Pennsylvania for several years. During my time there I opened up to my parents about my sexuality, and despite all my fear of them hating me, they pretty much already knew I was gay, and had come to terms with it long before I had told them. I also had a lot of experience with the gay community while in Pennsylvania. I marched in parades, I wrote for a gay and lesbian political newsletter, I went to my very first drag queen ball, and fell madly in love with an amazing man named George, who only saw me as a little brother.

When I moved back to New York after Pennsylvania is when I started taking my writing a little more seriously. I started writing a series that would see my time in The Great Realms for pretty much the next several years, morphing into a long time line of books that I hope I can write all of before I am ninety. The first book is The Bonds of Blood.

Several years later, I moved to Texas with my best friend, and lived there for a few years before ultimately moving back home. Now I am taking my writing more seriously than ever, realizing that this is all I want to do, and if I can’t write and publish my work, there is little need to draw breath. I think when we give up on our dreams, then we give up on ourselves. No one is going to give you what you want, you have to fight for it.

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In my free time I like to support charities that give homes to needy pets, stop animal abuse, and promote equal rights for all people. If you are interested in getting to know me more, please stop by my Facebook page and give me a like, I strive to entertain and I try not to bite, unless you are into that kinda thing.

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