I do not read children's books very often, but I do like to see what is out there from time to time. As a blogger, I'm often called on to make suggestions for friends. When I saw The Little Moose Who Couldn't Go to Sleep by Willy Claflin on Netgalley, I just couldn't resist. And it is definitely a cute story and one that will be enjoyed by kids of all ages.
If I had kids it would definitely be a book I read with them. It was a fun read for even me. I'm sure young kids will love all the made-up words (the narrator explains that some words in Moose just aren't translateble into English). Also, I think students whose native language isn't English would appreciate the book.
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One of the things I really liked about The Little Moose Who Couldn't Go to Sleep is the amount of activities that could be paired with it. If you are in a classroom or in a library position with the task of creating library programs who could not go wrong with Claflin's book. Though the book is for younger children, I think it could be used as a teaching tool for up to 8th grade.
It could be used for younger children to encourage vocabulary exploration - have them tell a story with their own made-up words.
Discuss oral history and storytelling. The story is a written account of an orally told story. Middle grade students could try their hand at creating oral stories.
It might be a stretch, but could possibly even be used in with a high school group to discuss literature in translation.
That is just a few quick ideas that came to me while reading The Little Moose Who Couldn't Go to Sleep. And it is a quick read - I read it while waiting to renew my driver's license.
If you got young kids at home, you don't want to miss out on this absolutely adorable book. You might find yourself sneaking off to read it just for yourself.
Book info:
Hardcover, 36 pages
Published January 2014
ISBN13: 978-1939160676
Source: Netgalley
Read: January 2014
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