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August 7, 2014

3 Publicity Actions to Take

by Donna Huber

Whether you are a book publisher, an author, blog publisher/writer, you need publicity. Thankful for small publishers and writers that do not have much in the way of a publicity budget, there are a number of money free actions you can take (though they will require an investment of time).

1. Be active on social media
Being active on Twitter and Facebook doesn't mean just promoting yourself. Instead, you should be interactive. Pose questions, respond to questions, share cool quotes and informative articles. Follow a variety of people - publishers, authors, bloggers, magazines, PR people and just regular old people. The more variety you follow the more variety the content you share, the conversations join in will be.

2. Create a street team
A number of authors have already jumped on this and some have successful teams. Publishers and bloggers may be wondering why they need one. Having a group of people who are dedicated to posting about your work can immensely increase your exposure. For book publishers, a street team can supplement the work that is done my the author's own team. For bloggers, Triberr can act somewhat as a street team. However, unless you are in a tribe that is required to share all posts from tribe members, you may not get as much exposure as you would from a dedicated team of sharers. To be successful with your street team, you should give a daily task and have fun - offer giveaways that only your street team members are eligible for.

3. Participate in interviews and guest posts
By appearing on other blogs, your name will be exposed to their readers. Authors should shoot for 3 appearances a month. Publishers and bloggers should try for one a month. Bloggers, ask the authors you have featured if they have a blog and would like to interview you or allow you to write a guest post. (You probably are thinking what will I write about - authors are always interested in tips from bloggers on getting features and reviews).


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