![The Bleiberg Project](https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1385599159l/18772621.jpg)
In an effort to expand my reading horizons I have been trying out translated fiction. So far it is has been kind of hit and miss. I recently read the French thriller The Bleiberg Project by David S. Khara and I can tell you it was a hit.
Maybe it was an easier transition as the main character is an American and partially set in the States before jetting around Europe. Or perhaps it is because it flashed back to a time that I often read it about - World War II Nazi Germany. Or maybe it is because it had the same flavor as a Tom Clancy Jack Ryan novel. Maybe it was all those things, but whatever it was I really enjoyed it.
Jay Novacek is the golden boy of the financial world, but he's on a path of self-destruction. People who have a life altering experience while the under the influence of alcohol either forsake all alcohol or drown their guilt. Jay was in the latter group. The notification of his long absent father's death sets Jay on a new course, one that may lead to his ultimate death. As death looms near, Jay realizes that may not be what he really wants.
What about the WWII Nazi Germany part? Readers are ushered into the past and a web of conspiracy that began before Hitler rose to power, perhaps what actually put Hitler into power. The conspiracy is much larger than the Third Reich and survived long past its fall.
The Bleiberg Project is a great suspense novel and if I hadn't known it was translated, I would have assumed it was an American or perhaps British author. There was a section that felt off, like the author may not have done enough research on how the CIA works or how a former Air Force officer may write. The tone of words left by Jay's Dad felt elementary. Other than that, the writing was great, the pace was just right for a suspense novel.
If you are a fan of Tom Clancy, then you will want to check out The Bleiberg Project by David S. Khara.
Buy The Bleiberg Project at Amazon
Book Info
Available formats: ebook, audio & print (280 pages)
Published: July 2014 by Le French Book (first published October 2010)
ISBN13: 9781939474063
Genres: Translated fiction, suspense
Source: Netgalley
Read: September 2014
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