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November 2, 2014

Huw the Bard by Connie J. Jasperson (@CJJasp)

Throughout the month of November, Girl Who Reads will feature books from authors who are participating in National Novel Writing Month. These authors are attempting to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days.

About the Book

Huw the Bard
The youngest master in the Bards’ Guild, eighteen-year-old Huw Owyn is at the top of his craft. The Spring Conclave is underway, and Huw is late to the ceremonies. While he lingers with his lady, the Bards’ Guild is attacked. Seeking to rule the most powerful clan in the valley, Earl Rann Dwyn hangs the Guild Master, Huw’s father. His thugs torch the hall with everyone still inside, igniting a firestorm and incinerating a quarter of the city.

Smuggled out of the burning city in a reeking ale barrel, Huw the Bard is a wanted man. Starving, reduced to begging and worse, he must somehow make his way north to safety. It’s a 200-league walk as the crow flies to the one place he might have a friend, though the path Huw must take is anything but straight.

Murder, rape, and the taint of treason – a lot can happen to a man on a journey like that. 

Buy Huw the Bard at Amazon

About the Author

Connie J. Jasperson
Connie J Jasperson lives and writes in Olympia, Washington. She and her husband share five children, eleven grandchildren and a love of good food and great music.

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