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December 2, 2014

Featured Book: Shattered Reality by Brenda Perlin (@BrooklynandBo)

About the Book

Shattered Reality
When Brooklyn meets Bo, their lives are instantly turned upside down. 

Brooklyn and Bo, each unhappily married to someone else, have to decide whether to stay with their spouses or give up everything for each other. Find out what Brooklyn's husband and Bo's soon-to-be ex-wife do to break them up. 

Shattered Reality is the first book in a three part series that follows the main character, Brooklyn throughout her childhood, adult life and then what seems like an “endless” journey towards redemption. 

Buy Shattered Reality at Amazon

About the Author

Brenda Perlin
Brenda Perlin lives in Orange County, California. She spent most of her working life in the physical fitness arena. She loves the gratification that comes with helping people achieve their fitness goals and the fulfillment that comes with having a healthy body. She moved from the Los Angeles area where she was raised to Orange County in the Spring of 2005. During that time she was a housewife with a couple of dogs. Now she is not. Instead she is writing her adventures for all to read. Brenda has been writing just for fun since she was a young teen. For many years she wrote on paper napkins.

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