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May 22, 2015

Review: A Thirty-Something Girl by Lisa M. Gott

by Donna Huber

A Thirty-something Girl

I realize that so much of the clutter that fills these boxes is from a time in my life that I no longer care to remember. I start a pile of things to ell at a garage sale. And yes, the salt and pepper shakers are the first to go, quickly followed by not one, not two, but three copies of the Betty Crocker Picture Cookbook. I have to laugh. Jeff had bought them as prank anniversary gifts when we first got married - his attempts at trying to convert me into a respectable wife. After three years, he gave up. So did I. page 56 on my Nook

The Review

As some of you may know I have been working really hard the past year and a half to read my backlog of books. A Thirty-Something Girl by L. M. Stull is one of those books. It came out my first year of blogging and EVERYONE was talking about it. My Twitter feed was full of tweets about the book and it seemed that all the blogs I visited were reading it. Lucky for me I won a copy and was so excited to get it. Unfortunately, it kept getting pushed to the bottom of the virtual pile as I needed to read books that I had gotten for review.

If you missed this book when it first came out then you are missing a GREAT read. The writing is superb. And while the subject matter is a bit depressing (Hope's life is falling apart), it would make a wonderful vacation read. It is an easy read as the writing and story flow very well. And there is an emotional depth that is sometimes missing from the fluffier "beach reads" that are coming out this time of year.

I loved Hope. She was easy to relate to and I could identify with her emotional state. She was very realistic and even if you can't identify something of yourself in her, I'm sure you will see a friend or at least an acquaintance.

I'm very pleased that the story lived up to all the hype and expectation. And even more exciting, the paperback edition of A Thirty-something Girl just came out (under the name Lisa M. Gott) from Booktrope. If you enjoy well written, realistic drama, then you really should get yourself a copy of this book.

Buy A Thirty-Something Girl from Amazon

(The cover, and excerpt, above is from my ebook edition and I like it a bit better than the new cover.)

Book info:
available formats: ebook and paperback (154 pages)
published: December 2011 by Black Kettle Publishing
ISBN13: 2940013861015
genres: women's fiction
source: author
read: May 2015

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  1. This one does sound good...the way she is decluttering reminds me of recent times in my life, and how many things I have collected over the years.

    Thanks for sharing and putting this one on my radar.

    Here's mine: “THE WOMAN UPSTAIRS”

  2. I laugh, because I have that cookbook. Actually it is the one that gets the most use.
    I like the sounds of this book. I can relate and it sounds like a nice light, fun read.
    Happy weekend!

  3. Interesting 56. I haven't heard of this book.

    My 56:
    Brooke Blogs

  4. Aw. Thank you so much for reading my work and for this lovely review. I appreciate it so much!

