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Reflections on the #AtoZChallenge

by Donna Huber For the A to Z Challenge, I discussed different book genres/categories. Each day, I gave a few details about the genre/catego...

July 18, 2015

"A fun cozy mystery" ~ A Woof in Sheep's Clothing by JB Lynn

A Woof in Sheep's Clothing
While investigating the disappearance of a psychic matchmaker, Detective Brian Griswald meets dog trainer Stephanie Browne, a beautiful woman who can be just as prickly as the rescue mutts she works with.

Like her dogs, Stephanie’s not quick to trust, which is why she rejects the charming detective when he tries to pursue a relationship with her, but when Brian is dragged into a case involving Stephanie’s beloved dogs, the two must work together to find the truth.

Solving the mystery proves challenging for both of them and dangerous for Stephanie. Can Brian and a canine cavalry save her before it’s too late?

"a fun light-hearted book" ~ Linda Quick

"the mutts steel the show!" ~ Susan

"Pets, and mystery, and one awesome book." ~ B. E.

Buy A Woof in Sheep's Clothing at Amazon

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  1. I love that title and the cover is adorable. Sounds like one I'd enjoy out by the pool:)

    1. I think JB Lynn's books make excellent poolside reading.

  2. As always a fun book to read. I have enjoyed getting to know Brian Griswold in the hit woman series so it's great to see him in his own. Enjoy!

  3. It was great to have while waiting for my car to be serviced. Easy read that doesn't require deep concentration. Funny and sweet. Definitely recommend

