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February 12, 2016

Powerful and moving: With One Word by Olivia Blake

review by Elisa Hordon

With One Word

Holly is so young and so broken but she keeps going when most people would have given up all for her younger sister Willow. Holly will do anything to keep Willow safe from their drunk, abusive mother and her string of boyfriends even if it means being physically and mentally abused herself. Holly keeps herself focused on Willow nearing 18 and the time they can both run away together. Holly's best friend Trisha is away at college and Holly misses her so much. She could always take refuge at Trisha's house when she was younger but not since Trisha went away to college and not because Trisha's dad wouldn't have been happy to see Holly. Holly stayed away because she had been in love with her best friend's dad for years and even though she knows he is so much older she doesn't care. She loves him with all her heart but she would never act on it.

Grant, Trisha's dad, has known Holly since she was a kid and he and Trisha moved to town after his wife died. He loved Holly from the first day he met her. She has the kindest heart he has ever known. Grant is not sure when his love for Holly went from being a friendly love to full blown true love but it did and he was sick of denying it. Holly was a grown woman now, not a kid, and there was just something about her that kept drawing him in but guilt holds him back. He's to old for her but could he have it all and yes having it all meant a life with Holly because she is his life.

I swear I held my breath while reading this book. It is powerful and moving, the characters are strong and meaningful, there is so much heartbreak for someone so young and someone much older but Love wins out in the end as it should. I love a gut wrenching story and With One Word you get that and more.

I'm really looking forward to Willow's story next. I can't wait to see how she goes now she has left home.

Buy With One Word at Amazon

Book info:
available formats: ebook (206 pages)
published: November 2015
genres: romance
target audience: new adult

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