The first story starts with a man and his wife in a horrific car accident. He awakens to find that she has passed away. Heartbroken and needing to get out of his stuffy hospital room, he goes for a walk but finds he is thrown into a loop, where his wife is very much alive and they are spending some lovely time together. The places and situations are always different but the outcome is the same, Lisa dies in a terrible way. However, he feels selfish for wanting more time with her and finally starts to let her go, unable to make her die another death.
The ending of this story was completely unexpected and gave me chills.
In another story a group of three friends decide to explore the woods behind their houses only to find that the shadows are hiding untold horrors and it falls to one of the boys to save them all.
In the last story of the collection, a man’s mind falls apart as he struggles to cope with the fact that his one decision ended the world as we know it, that his one single sentence wiped out the rest of humanity leaving only him alone on the earth seeing horrible crimes against humans. But once again all is not as it seems and the ending surprised me.
This collection of five stories is highly entertaining and perfect if you have a spare five minutes perhaps in your break time or traveling to work.
Each are their own little pieces of thrilling horrific tales and I loved each of them.
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Claire Rees, reviewer. Claire lives in a small village in the South Wales Valleys, UK with her husband, two kids and five snakes. She will hopefully be starting an English literature course this September. She has always loved reading books. Her favorite genres are horror, mystery and fantasy, although if the story line is good she'll read anything. Connect with Claire on Facebook.
Book info
available formats: ebook and print (146 pages)
published: February 2016
ISBN13: 978-0692609842
genres: thriller, horror, paranormal
source: author
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