Charlotte "Charlie" McNally is an investigative reporter for a TV station in Boston. At 46, she is worried that she will soon be replaced by a younger news reporter. Sweeps week is coming up and she's being pressured to come up with a big story. Even though she has Emmy Awards and has had a successful career, she knows that the next story is always the most important. Her reporter instincts lead her to a story that may be the best story of her life if she is successful or it may cause her to lose her life if she isn't. It's a definite mystery and the ending was a real surprise to me.
What I liked most about this novel was the main character of 'Charlie'. It's so nice to read a book with an older female main character who has flaws and questions herself and her abilities like Charlie does. There are other good characters in the book but Charlie was the one that was the most real to me. I can't wait to see what happens to her in the next book in the series Face Time that came out in April. Air Time will be available in June and Drive Time in August.
Note: Prime Time won the Agatha Award for First Novel and the Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Award.
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The characters are great and the story line has a lot of mystery and a little bit of romance.
Charlie is a TV investigative reporter on the wrong side of 40 in an industry where looking youthful matters a lot. Even though she has won Emmy awards for her stories, she is always questioning herself and her abilities even while she is always searching for the next big story. In this story, she is contacted by a local group to help prove that Dorinda Keeler, who confessed to the murder of her husband four years earlier, is really innocent. Even though she finds some information to show that Dorinda may be innocent, Dorinda won't talk and claims to be guilty. Charlie and her producer, Franklin, continue to work on the story to try to prove her innocence. Along with a powerful story line about guilt or innocence, throw in Charlie's mother who has just had plastic surgery (and thinks that her daughter should be thinking about some plastic surgery, too) and Josh, her new love and his 8 year old daughter who isn't too excited to have Charlie in her dad's life.
This is a fun story and a great read. Books 3 and 4 can't get here soon enough!
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Susan Roberts, reviewer. Susan grew up in the Detroit area but after deciding that city life wasn't for her she moved to North Carolina after college. She and her husband have several acres of land and they enjoy gardening and canning vegetables in the summer. They travel extensively. Susan reads almost anything (and the piles of books in her house prove that) but her favorite genres are Southern fiction, women's fiction and thrillers. Susan is a top 1% Goodreads Reviewer. You can connect with Susan on Facebook or Twitter.
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