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December 20, 2017

Review: Triple Cross Killer by Rosemarie Aquilina

by Donna Huber

I usually wrap up reading review copies around the end of November and then indulge in holiday books until Christmas when I pick back up on review reading. This year, I was pitched a thriller that had a bit of a Christmas twist and I'm so glad that I broke my "rule" and didn't pass on it.
Amazon affiliate links are used on this site. A free book was provided for an honest review.

Triple Cross Killer
December 2917; Fiery Seas; 978-1946143389
ebook, print; thriller
Triple Cross Killer is an awesome thriller. Even though you know from the start who the killer is, I didn't want to put the book down. I was anxious to know when he would be found out. And when one of the characters get involved with him, I almost started biting my nails (I don't bite my nails, but I really wanted to) because I was so afraid something would happen to her.

I mentioned that there is a Christmas twist to the story. The killer used letters from the dead letter office to find his victims. These letters are written by children to Santa Claus. The killer is also named Nick. But that is about it for the Christmas connection.

I loved the characters. I'm not always keen on cop dramas, but these detectives had a lot of personality and were likable as people. The chemistry between the set from Florida and the set in Detroit was really good and as I neared the end I was sad to think that their partnership would also be coming to an end. So I was really happy with a little plot point that indicated that this isn't the last we will see of these detectives.

I also enjoyed the coroner (I'm an NCIS fan and I thought he was a bit like Duckie) and his nurse. I'm hoping the career changes of the Detroit detectives doesn't keep them from interacting.

While the plot was thrilling and had me on the edge a bit, it was really the cast of characters (the good guys at least) that kept me turning the pages.

The writing was well done, though I would have liked the chapters to have been a bit shorter. I like to be able to stop at the end of a chapter when life calls me away from a book, but the long chapters didn't always lend itself to that. But that is really a small complaint. Especially when compared to the overwhelming positives of the book.

If you are looking for a great thriller, then definitely pick up Triple Cross Killer.

Buy Triple Cross Killer at Amazon

Donna Huber is an avid reader and natural encourager. She is the founder of Girl Who Reads and the author of how-to marketing book Secrets to a Successful Blog Tour

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