Readers' Favorite

January 8, 2020

Reading Resolutions for 2020

by Alison DeLuca

In 2020 I plan to expand my reading horizons with the Great American Read list. The books fall into a few categories:

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Books I Already Read

Little Women
I thoroughly enjoyed the Harry Potter series, the Narnia books, those Alcott classics. In 2020, I just don't feel the need to reread them, unless Greta Gerwig's movie of Little Women inspires me to dive back into the novel.

I won't reread Charlotte's Web, wonderful as it is. Same with Anne of Green Gables and Jane Eyre. Those classics have been on my shelves for years, and there are new titles to explore, and ones I really should read again.

Which bring us to:

Books I Already Read but Should Reread 

I scraped my way through The Grapes of Wrath in ninth grade. It didn't capture my attention at the time, and all I remember is the Dust Bowl and a lot of people called Joad.

Since it's an American classic, I really need to read it again. (I don't think I can bear Of Mice and Men again though - just too sad.)

The Book Thief is another I must reread. I devoured it when it first came out, blown away by Zusak's intricate layers of characterization and brilliant organization. Like The Time Traveller's Wife, I need to look at how that writer created such an amazing universe.

Books I Haven't Read Before

A Prayer for Owen Meany
A Prayer for Owen Meany also looks really sad, but I always enjoy John Irving. Adding that one to my reading list.

Their Eyes Were Watching God - Why have I never read Zora Neale Hurston's classic? That mistake ends now. Put this one at the top of my list.

The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan - A lot of science-fiction lovers have recommended these books, and I hope to dive into the series in 2020. How can I not, with quotes like this:

"When a woman says she will obey you, of her own will, it is time to sleep lightly and watch your back." 

White Teeth by Zadie Smith, a novel set in multicultural London, looks really interesting. This one goes to the top of my list as well.

Books I Never Will Read Unless I'm Stuck in an Attic Somewhere 

Anything by Jack London. I sobbed my way through his stories when they were assigned in fifth grade, and I refuse to go through that torture again.

The Godfather - Loved the movie, tried to read the book, got caught up on the chapters about one character's loose vagina. Oh, and her name is actually Lucy.

Sorry, no.

Which novels are on your reading lists this year?

Alison DeLuca is the author of several steampunk and urban fantasy books.  She was born in Arizona and has also lived in Pennsylvania, Illinois, Mexico, Ireland, and Spain. Currently, she wrestles words and laundry in New Jersey.

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  1. i keep meaning to work my way through the list too. maybe the library challenge will help me do that. good luck
    sherry @ fundinmental

  2. Have fun working your way through the list!

