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January 6, 2015

Teaser Tuesday: A Whole New You by Brett Blumenthal

by Donna Huber

Whole New You

When we embark on making change, it may appear that we do so for many different reasons. We reinvent careers because we don't like the type of work  we do or the industry we've chosen. We reinvent our personality so we can appear more outgoing or sociable. We reinvent our health so we can prevent - or possibly even help eliminate - disease. But if you get to the very core of all of these personal reinventions, out desire to change comes down to one very simple yet important mission: to be happy. (pg. 8)

One of my resolutions this year is to get through the review copies under my coffee table. Some of them have been there since I started blogging, nearly 4 years. Yikes! Since I have been ill for more than a year and just now seeing a light at the end of tunnel so I thought A Whole New You might be an interesting read. I don't read too much self-help so we'll see how this one goes.

Buy A Whole New You at Amazon

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  1. Sounds like a good one to start the new year with!
    Here's my teaser.

  2. Good luck. I don't have too many goals or resolutions this year.

  3. I'm always excited when I first start reading a self help book. Then my interest wanes and I'm off to some fantasy or horror book. I hope you enjoy this one.

    here's my TT -

  4. This sounds like great inspiration for making changes. I hope you find it to be helpful (and enjoyable!)
    My Tuesday post features LEARNIN’ THE ROPES.

  5. Sounds like a good book.

    Happy New Year! I have a quote from a Grisham legal thriller this week:

