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January 5, 2015

Featured Book: A Secret Gamble by Jen Cousineau (@JenCAuthor)

About the Book

A Secret Gamble

Secrets. Betrayal. Lust. Love. Obsession. Hate.

A thin line separates reality from illusions.

If secrets are revealed, bonds could be destroyed. Lives turned upside down. When truths are revealed, hearts could be crushed. Realities could snap. Family members could fall.

Can one person be strong enough to hold an entire family together in their greatest time of need? Can one person be capable of healing wounds that are cut so deep, hope has long been lost? Can one person save everyone they care about, even if they can’t save themselves?

When life is at stake, all bets are off. How much is too much to gamble?

Buy A Secret Gamble at Amazon

About the Author

Juliette Douglas
Jen is a chap stick and coffee addict that lives in the Badger State with her husband James, and their twin daughters Kaylynn and Lilly. She loves to bow hunt, kickbox, and is a food junkie. She’s an obsessive reader with a secret passion for writing. Jens always been a strong believer that dreamers live happier lives and decided to show her girls that hard work and dedication can make your dreams come true no matter where you are in your life.

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