Readers' Favorite

December 10, 2015

#Reading During the Holidays

by Donna Huber

For Americans the mad dash to the end of the year starts with Thanksgiving and doesn't slow down until the middle of January, especially if you have kids. There's the round of Christmas parties and family gatherings, school plays and Christmas concerts, and in between you are finding time for present buying and wrapping, decorating the house, and baking cookies.

Often time our favorite past-time gets pushed to the back burner. But as an avid reader it can be like withdrawing from an addiction and the holidays are already stressful enough. Here's some tips to getting your reading fix.

Short stories and novellas

I've been featuring the short stories and novellas that I've read on Sundays. These stories have been life savers and fun reads. I usual start wrapping things up an hour or so before bed and these books are great way to unwind.

While not usually considered novellas, I find chick lit novels to typically be quick reads. And this time of year I eat-up fun romance. I've been known to pull out my Nook while waiting in long lines at stores, so books that have short chapters or section breaks are also good choices.

Audio books

I love audio books. I listen to them when things are slow at work or I'm cleaning the house. If you are finding it difficult to find the time to pick up a book, perhaps audio books would be the way to go. Pick something family friendly and play it while baking cookies or making ornaments with your kids. Another benefit of listening to audio books this time a year - a break from the endless loop of Christmas songs on the radio.

Familiar books

This is the time of year to pick up your favorite books and re-reading them. They read faster because you know the story and you might not feel so bad about only reading more than a paragraph or two at a time.

Are you worried about not having anything to post on your blog?

Book lists are HUGE right now. And they can take a multitude of angles - Best Books of 2015, Favorite Books to Read Again... really the options are endless and will attract readers to your site, especially if you come up with catchy titles for your book lists.

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