Readers' Favorite

June 6, 2014

An All Souls Trilogy Giveaway

We are just over a month away from the release of the final installment in Deborah Harkness's All Souls triology. The Book of Life comes out July 15! Who's excited? Me!! To get you a little more excited I have holographic Book of Life buttons and a copy of Diana's commonplace book:

The commonplace book, which was featured in Shadow of Night, includes never before seen content from Deborah Harkness. There are spells, recipes, astrology, and even blank pages for the new owner to include their own notes and journal entries. Who wants a copy? Me! And if you do to, then be sure to enter the giveaway below (open to US residences only). Also, remember to pre-order your copy of The Book of Life so you don't miss out on this most anticipated conclusion.

The Book of Life

Pre-order at Amazon

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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